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Peter Mintun's Tribute to the Women of Tin Pan Alley.

"Society" Pianist Peter Mintun performs many forgotten songs from the first half of this century. His new CD is "Your's for a Song: The Women of Tin Pan Alley." (Premier Recordings) Peter Mintun’s music is synonymous with San Francisco society. He has performed with symphony orchestras, entertained royalty, film and stage stars, and sometimes the composers themselves.


The Transformative Role of Eleanor Roosevelt.

Blanche Wiesen Cook is the author of the new biography "Eleanor Roosevelt: Volume 2 1933-1938. (Viking) This edition covers The Great Depression, the New Deal, and the build-up to World War II. Cook a professor of history at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. She is author of "Eleanor Roosevelt," "Crystal Eastman on Women and Revolution," and "The Declassified Eisenhower."

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