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W. S. Merwin Shares His Poems.

Poet W.S.Merwin. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for his 1970 work, The Carriers of Ladders. His books of poetry include The Song of Roland, The Compass Flower and, his latest collection, The Rain in the Trees.


Peter Boyer Asks "Who Killed CBS?"

New York Times television critic Peter Boyer. His new book, Who Killed CBS? The Undoing of America's Number One News Network, explores the recent turmoil within the news division of CBS, and how it has effected the entire corporation. He reports on the ill-fated reign of CBS News President Van Gordon Sauter, the tenure of Dan Rather as anchor of the CBS Evening News and the takeover of CBS by New York investor Laurence Tisch.


Elia Kazan Discusses His Life and Career.

Novelist and theater and film director Elia Kazan. He directed Marlon Brando in "On the Waterfront," and James Dean in "East of Eden." He was a member of the Group Theater and co-founded the Actors Studio with Lee Strasberg.


Mark Halliday's "Memory Sampler."

Poet Mark Halliday. He'll read "Memory Sampler," a poem he composed in an attempt to dispose of a whole series of troubling past experiences. Halliday is an English professor at the University of Pennsylvania. His first volume of poetry is titled Little Star.


Amos Oz's Great Expectations.

Israeli novelist Amos Oz. He lived on a kibbutz for many years and is a veteran of the Six-Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973. His books include A Perfect Peace, In the Land of Israel and his new book, Black Box.


J. G. Ballard Discusses his Life and Career.

J. G.Ballard, the author of the largely autobiographical novel Empire of the Sun, which film director Steven Spielberg made into a movie of the same name last year. Ballard was born in Shanghai and was interned by the Japanese during World War II. He has written 19 books.


Former Neo-Nazi Thomas Martinez Discusses His Past.

Thomas Martinez. His book Brotherhood of Murder, details his involvement with The Order, the extremist, right wing hate group that was implicated in numerous bank robberies and three assassinations, including the murder of Denver talk show host Alan Berg. The book details how Martinez, who grew up in a white slum in Philadelphia, was persuaded by The Order's teachings and how he was recruited for the criminal activities that supported the group. He later turned informant for the FBI.


A Public Speaking Coach Takes the Hot Seat.

Image consultant Dorothy Sarnoff. In her new book, Never Be Nervous Again, Sarnoff shares some of her advice on how to overcome nervousness and anxiety when speaking to others.. Her clients include politicians, authors on tour, diplomats and television newscasters


Nan Robertson Discusses the History of Alcoholics Anonymous.

New York Times reporter Nan Robertson. Her new book, Getting Better: Inside Alcoholics Anonymous, reveals the inner workings of Alcoholics Anonymous, one of the most successful self-help movements of modern times. The book is based on four years of research, which included access to A.A.'s archives and some of the key figures who helped chart the course of the movement, as well as interviews with A.A.'s rank-and-file members. Herself a recovering alcoholic, Robertson won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize-winner for her account of her own near-fatal attack of toxic-shock syndrome.


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